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October 14, 2011


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Kim Hill

Holy Cow! Holy Cow! Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sitting here in Cincinnati and I am just SOOO unbelievably happy for you! This is amazing news! Spectacular news! YOUR news! KardPrintz is an amazing idea and I LOVE it! The halloween cards are stunning. Really - they r cool and edgy and fun! I am still smiling for you! I LOVE to make cards - traditional kinds typically because I do not have anything digital. I have thought about it for a while now because I LOVE my computer. Those two cards - wow - my mind is made up! I love them and I can make them - using YOUR program! WOW! Congrats Deb on this new venture!!!!


These are so cool! I like making both digital and hybrid cards, but have to admit digital is quicker. But hybrid is so fun, as I love to glitter things up! :-)

Julie aka MaggieMae

This is a wonderful idea! I love making my own cards but don't care for stamping any more - too many smudges!! LOL This is great! Thanks for the chance to win!

Dady CagnesMer

It's wonderful I made ​​my own cards and yours is a fantastic idea and inspiration, thank you for the opportunity

Tammy Gilleland

Congrats, Deb! I knew your designs would rock!!! I am looking so forward to seeing more of your designs and giving digital cards a whirl.

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